![]() ??Truth is, life happens to us all. Everybody has a story, some more sensational than others, but we all have pain from the past. Tragedies, letdowns, slaps in the faces... We've all got 'em. So how do you stay positive in a world full of setbacks? You decide to get over it. Check out these steps for moving forward: 1) Acknowledge the problem. Knowing the root of any problem is key. Identify what you think and feel are holding you back. 2) Take responsibility. We all play a part in our own well-being. To be forgiving of a situation doesn't mean what happened is okay, it just means you are not willing to spend any more of your energy re-living the pain. Recognize how your own perception is holding you back. 3) Imagine the ideal. Where would you like to go from this moment forward? Boundaries aside, what is the best case scenario? By painting the ideal picture, we are able to begin projecting possibility into our life. 4) Be ready and willing. Let's face it, people are not always eager for change. Sometimes we'd rather feel victimized than just getting over it, after all, we know how being miserable feels, but we don't necessarily know how delightful the future could be. When you are ready to move on, you'll find yourself looking for ways to be more understanding, more considerate of yourself and others, and you'll be filled with a desire to create a better life. 5) Commit to small changes. Make decisions that you can live with. Step by step we are creating our own reality. Little by little does the trick. By committing to take smalls steps in the right direction, we are able to create a preferred way of life for ourselves and those around us. 6) Understand, it's a process. Keep in mind, there will always be ups and down, no matter who you are or how good you live. How well we handle life is our testimony. 7) Accept health and happiness. Sounds funny, but it's not always easy to let go and feel joy. Some folks are so full of hang ups that they'd rather remember something bad that happened decades ago instead of doing their best to get over it. If you are still longing for inner peace, you must first accept that you are willing and able to be happy. 8) Reprogram you thoughts. If you have a difficult time with silencing the mind, you are not alone. Practicing self-control enhances our ability to maintain control over our emotions and thought process. When a less than desirable thought or image pops up in your mind, stop and replace it with something else... Whether it be gratitude, silence or positivity. 9) Listen to yourself. Be your own best friend, rather than your own worst enemy. Think about it, an ideal friend would listen and support your need to be authentic to yourself and your need to be happy. We are given the power of instincts... Listening to ourselves allows room for guidance and purpose. If knowing is half the battle, now all we need to do is act. Only by acknowledging our hang ups and doing what we can to get over them, are we able to live life more fully. Regardless of what has happened... Our happiness and well-being are worth moving forward. Amy O'Pry Massey www.opryconsulting.com
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Amy O'Pry
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